NIFAA U/Students 

"Lewin’s book has rightly been called ‘important,’ ‘groundbreaking,’ ‘superb,’ ‘wonderful,’
‘a masterpiece,’ and ‘a great resource.’ It is all those things, and more. In the history
 of social-cultural-political movements there have been defining moments —a speech
 (‘Tear Down That Wall’), a book (Uncle Tom's Cabin), a judicial decision
 (Brown v. Board of Education)—that sent our nation down a new road. That is what
 Lewin’s book does for the protection of animals…”  
Brooklyn Law School Professor Emeritus Mark Henry Holzer, Chairman, ISAR—International Society for Animal Rights

Why and How to Launch a Voting Bloc for Animals
in Your Town, City, County or State
—and the simple steps it takes to do it”

by Julie E. Lewin, NIFAA President  

From the Introduction
“You and other advocates—all of us involved in animal rights and rescue—
have reached a remarkable historical milestone. We’ve created a popular culture
in which everyone in the United States has an opinion about the treatment of animals and animals’ rights.

Thanks to you, most men and women ponder their own relationship with animals
and humans’ use of animals. We are rightly proud a few good laws and local ordinances protecting animals are now on the books and a few more become law every year.

But I ask you to face one fact squarely and honestly:  From coast to coast, state
and local laws affecting animals remain appallingly weak and unenforced.
..”  More 

"GET POLITICAL FOR ANIMALS" is a comprehensive and easy-to-read manual.
Leaders say you must have it.  Advocates say it changes their form of advocacy. 

ORDER by PayPal or check $25 includes shipping within US.

RAVE REVIEWS from animal advocacy’s top leaders, lawmakers,
attorneys, professors—and advocates like you
“Lewin’s book has been called a ‘masterpiece,’ ‘groundbreaking,’ ‘superb,’ ‘wonderful,’ and ‘a great resource.’ It is all those things and more…”

MAJOR SPONSORS include many leading animal advocacy groups:
Animal Legal Defense Fund, Animal World USA, ASPCA, Best Friends Animal Society, Dogs Deserve Better, Farm Sanctuary, Humane Society of the US...and more.

DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS Skim the contents. You’ll see it covers everything you need to know.  

BULK DISCOUNTS FOR GROUPS AND CLASSROOMS. For animal groups, individuals, resellers, classrooms. Your group can sell "Get Political for Animals" at events and on your website.

Currently Unavailable as of January 2019
eBook will soon be available

Order by PayPal or Check     
$25 includes shipping within US

Make Check Payable to: CCHE/NIFAA

   6 Long Hill Farm  
   Guilford, CT 06437-1866

Be sure to include your name, street address, email and phone


NIFAA: National Institute for Animal Advocacy
is a project of the Connecticut Council for Humane Education, Inc.
a 501(c)(3) charitable organization
6 Long Hill Farm Guilford, CT 06437   203-901-5355

Your donations are tax-deductible

© 2018 NIFAA - All Rights Reserved

Photo Credits

Puppy mill dogs - with permission of
Cat - Kathy Hucks, who rescued Rudy in Hartford