WIN STATE AND LOCAL LAWS FOR ANIMALS. Stop wasting time doing the wrong things! Laws to protect animals are weak and unenforced--because we aren't political! NIFAA MAKES YOU POWER PLAYERS IN THE LAWMAKING ARENA THROUGH >NIFAA's highly-praised, comprehensive, easy-to-read how-to book, "Get Political for Animals and Win the Laws They Need" (see below) Written for YOU! >NIFAA's highly-praised ON-LINE WEBINARS (see below) Participate from your home computer. Contact Julie to schedule jlewin@nifaa.org 203-901-5355 *"'Get Political for Animals and Win the Laws They Need' has rightly been called 'important,' 'groundbreaking,' 'superb,' 'a masterpiece,' and 'a great resource.' It is all those things, and more. In the history of social-cultural-political movements there have been defining moments -- a speech ('Tear Down That Wall'), a book (Uncle Tom's Cabin), a judicial decision (Brown v Board of Education) -- that sent our nation down a new road. That is what Lewin's book does for animals." Brooklyn Law School Prof. Emeritus Mark Henry Holzer, Chairman, former International Society for Animal Rights
"We've passed anti-tethering laws in 5 counties and 1 city so far. It couldn't have been done without your book." Renee Rivard
Spay/neuter-Shelter reform-Dog chaining-Dog fighting-Circuses-Rodeos Become POWER PLAYERS in the lawmaking arena with our NIFAA-Nar Webinar I: Click here for detailed contents Register now at info@nifaa.org NIFAA-Nar Webinar IV: NIFAA-Nar Webinar V: WINNING EASY RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES, BECAUSE RECRUITMENT MUST BE YOUR GROUP'S #1 ACTIVITY! For questions or to schedule an event, contact jlewin@nifaa.org 203-901-5355 NIFAA president, author, webinar/workshop presenter Julie Lewin Leading groups sponsored our book: Animal Legal Defense Fund - Animal Welfare Trust - Animal World USA - ASPCA Tutorials: A personalized course for you or your group that requires field work and calls to discuss each lesson. An opportunity to learn political organizing and lobbying techniques directly from Julie Lewin. NIFAA: National Institute for Animal Advocacy Your donations are tax-deductible © 2018 NIFAA - All Rights Reserved Photo Credits Cat - Kathy Hucks, who rescued Rudy in Hartford; Fuud the pig - courtesy of Farm Sanctuary; |